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Canolfan Gymunedol BODORGAN Community Centre


The AGM & Quarterly Meeting of the Bodorgan Community Centre Management Committee was held on Monday 15th April 2019

PRESENT: Myfyr Davies (Vice-Chair), Rhys Evans (Treasurer), Chris Rogers (Secretary), Andrew Hughes, Ann Perkins, Cllr Peter Rogers, Cllr Bryan Owen, Sheila Jones, Dafydd Jones

APOLOGIES:  Sian Prytherch



MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 21st January 2019: Minutes were previously circulated. They were proposed and seconded as a true record by AP & SJ.


ACCOUNTS:  Annual accounts previously circulated. DJ informed meeting that there would be extra income for the Community Centre from a grant awarded to Malltraeth Ymlaen for the provision of exercise classes. Annual accounts unanimously accepted and signed.


AOB:  No agenda items for the AGM had been submitted


APPOINTMENT OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: No nominations received no resignations received therefore no vote. The governing body ceased on 31 March 2019 due to closure of school. It was agreed that the representative of the governing body could remain on the Management Committee as an observer with no vote; this was unanimously carried.


CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Rhys Evans and Myfyr Davies confirmed as co-opted members for the year 2019/20.




Quarterly Meeting


Myfyr acting chair wished Ceinwen on behalf of committee the very best for a speedy recovery. Ann Perkins was welcomed back.


Chair – Dafydd Jones – proposed AP & SO

Vice-chair – Myfyr Davies – proposed CR & AH

Secretary – Chris Rogers - proposed DJ & RE

Treasurer – Rhys Evans – proposed MD & DJ

All carried unanimously


MATTERS ARISING FROM AGM or LAST MEETING: There were no matters arising.


COMMUNITY CENTRE UPDATE: Awaiting response from our solicitor re Expression of Interest (Asset Transfer). If accepted by authority will give us exclusive rights for two years. Two letters sent from our solicitor dated 18th September still awaiting response from authority’s solicitor. Authority has valued whole site at £90K, however they have already set a precedence for selling for £1 to Mentor Mon. Metres were supposedly read on 31st March 2019 however this is not confirmed. Cost of utilities for six months stand at £5035, this is currently unaffordable. Trustees still believe lease means authority are responsible for payment of all utility bills, etc as Custodian Trustees. Meeting agreed to pay £9 for opening and closing per hire.


STORAGE ISSUES: Still a problem with band equipment taking up large area in chair storage area. Proposed to let out storage cupboard in main hall at a minimum cost of £100 per annum. This would be reviewed when circumstances re community centre change. Dafydd to write letter to band Chris to sign as secretary on behalf of committee


OTHER BUSINESS:  There was no other business


The Chairman declared the meeting closed after agreeing the date of the next meeting.