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Minutes of an Urgent Community Council Meeting held virtually on
Thursday, 2nd MARCH 2023.
1         In Attendance:
Councillors Mr Tim Owen (Chair), Mrs Sharon Barton, Mrs Pal Dobbie, Mr Andrew Hughes, Mr Gwilym Looms, Mr Gary Evans, Mr Les Thomas, Mr Alan Smith & Mr J Alun Foulkes (Clerk). ALSO: County Councillor Mr John Ifan Jones,
2         Apologies for absence was received from: Councillors Mr Myfyr Davies & Mr Selwyn Williams. ALSO: County Councillor Mr Arfon Wyn
3         Welcome:
The Chair welcomed members of the Council and the Public to the meeting and explained the reasons for calling the urgent meeting. He made reference to the Council's Standing Orders and reminded them of their rights, conduct and responsibility and no recordings was allowed.
4         To Declare any personal or prejudicial interest.
Councillor Mr Andrew Hughes declared a personal interest that was not prejudicial as
Chair of the current Bodorgan Community Centre and took part in the discussions and
Councillor Ms Sharon Barton declared a personal interest that was not prejudicial as
a Committee member of the current Bodorgan Community Centre and took part in the
discussions and decision.
Councillor Mrs Pat Dobbie declared a personal interest that was not prejudicial as a
Director S Secretary of Malltraeth Ymlaen Ltd and took part in the discussions and
Councillor Mr Andrew Hughes fell that another member of the Community Council
should also declare a personal interest due to connections with Malltraeth Ymlaen
5        Planning Application Consultation.
Full application for the change of use of the former Primary School into a Community Centre at1 Old Bodorgan Primary School, Bodorgan - FPL/20Z3/38
After a lengthy discussion, it was the majority consensus of members that the Clerk responds to the Planning Department and highlight the significant lack of vital supporting information provided with the application that is preventing the Community Council from submitting valid observations (GL/GE)
6         With no further business to be conducted, the Chair closed the meeting at 750pm Date of Next Meeting: 14lh March 2023