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Mehefin – June - 2021


The Very Wet, Cold Month of May

Records from the Valley Met Office show an average rainfall of just under a couple of inches (1.79 “) of rain for May. This year we’ve had 4.6 inches of rain. We expect the grass to be showing signs of scorching by now, but instead they’re verdant green.

And it’s been a cold May. The temperature has been 0.7 C below the average for the month, saved by the last two days of the month from recording a deficit of 1.5 C.

But then April wasn’t exactly warm either!

And then, looking back to April, then the wind disappeared over most of Europe for three weeks between the 9th and the end of the month. I downloaded windspeeds across Europe and created this video. Note what happens in the three weeks from the 9th April!


Mis Mai Gwlyb Iawn ac Oer

Mae cofnodion gan Swyddfa Dywydd y Fali yn dangos ychydig o dan ddwy fodfedd (1.79“) o law ar gyfartaledd ym mis Mai. Eleni rydyn ni wedi cael 4.6 modfedd o law. Rydyn ni'n disgwyl i'r glaswellt fod yn dangos arwyddion o losgi erbyn hyn, ond yn lle hynny maen wyrdd llachar.

Ac mae wedi bod yn fis Mai oer. Mae'r tymheredd wedi bod 0.7 C yn is na'r cyfartaledd ar gyfer y mis, wedi'i arbed gan ddau ddiwrnod olaf y mis rhag cofnodi diffyg o 1.5 C.

Ond doedd mis Ebrill ddim yn gynnes o bell ffordd chwaith!Ac yna, wrth edrych yn ôl i fis Ebrill, diflannodd y gwynt dros y rhan fwyaf o Ewrop am dair wythnos rhwng y 9fed a diwedd y mis. Fe wnes i lawrlwytho cyflymder y gwynt ledled Ewrop a chreu'r fideo hwn. Sylwch ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn ystod y tair wythnos o 9 Ebrill!

Eglwysi Aberffraw a Llangadwaladr bellach ar agor ar gyfer gwasanaethau ar y Sul, ac mae'n rhaid i'r ddwy eglwys gydymffurfio gyda rheoliadau Covid wrth gwrs.

Aberffraw ar y dydd Sul 1af a 3ydd (system archebu lle ar waith), a Llangadwaladr ar yr 2il a’r 4ydd dydd Sul heb fod angen archebu lle.

Gwasanaethau Zoom bob dydd Sul am 9.30 gan ddefnyddio'r un ddolen ag o'r blaen



Aberffraw and LLangadwaladr Churches

are open for Sunday services, subject to Covid regulations.

Aberffraw services are on 1st and 3rd Sunday in the month, and LLangadwaladr on 2nd and 4th Sundays.

Zoom services will continue on Sundays at 9.30 am with the contact details already given.



Mae’n bleser gan fwrdd cyfarwyddwyr Anglesey Central Railway Ltd. i gyhoeddi, ar ôl chwe mlynedd o drafodaethau manwl a hirfaith gyda Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, ein bod ni wedi cwblhau’r broses gyfreithiol yn ffurfiol ar 29 Ebrill 2021, a’n bod ni bellach mewn sefyllfa i gyfleu a nodi bod Anglesey Central Railway Limited wedi sicrhau prydles dan orchymyn a chontract cyfreithiol ar gyfer y coridor rheilffordd, sef y Llinell GLA i’r gogledd o Gaerwen, Ynys Môn, rhwng Cyffordd Gaerwen ac Amlwch, am gyfnod hyd at a chan gynnwys 29 Ebrill 2120.
Hoffem fynegi ein gwerthfawrogiad a'n diolch diffuant i holl aelodau Lein Amlwch a hefyd i'r aelodau hynny o gymuned Ynys Môn sydd wedi rhoi eu cefnogaeth ddiflino yn ystod y cyfnod estynedig hwn o drafod.
Hoffem hefyd gofnodi a chydnabod y gefnogaeth a gafwyd gan agweddau amrywiol o sectorau masnachol a diwydiannol y gymuned ynghyd ag ymdrechion cynrychiolydd gwleidyddol yr Ynys yn y Senedd, sydd wedi bod yn frwdfrydig iawn wrth hyrwyddo'r achos dros adfer y rheilffordd weithredo.



The board of directors of Anglesey Central Railway Ltd. are pleased to announce, after 6 years of detailed discussions and lengthy negotiations with Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, we formally completed the legal due process on the 29 April 2021, and now are in a position to convey to you and state, Anglesey Central Railway Limited have a legally mandated and contracted lease for the rail corridor, designated The GLA Line north of Gaerwen, Anglesey, between Gaerwen Junction and Amlwch, for the period up to and including the 29 April 2120.
We wish to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all members of Lein Amlwch and also to those members of the community of Ynys Môn who have given their unstinting support during this extended period of negotiation.
We would also wish to place on record, and acknowledge, the support received from various elements of the commercial and industrial sectors of the community and couple with these the efforts of the Island’s political representative in the Senedd, who has been assiduous in advancing the case for the reinstatement of the operational railway.


Grŵp Dros 50 oed. Anfonwyd gan Roz Smith - Cadeirydd.

Unwaith eto - does dim newyddion ynglŷn ag ail-gychwyn ein Cyfarfodydd Misol. Felly, mae ein cynlluniau ar gyfer cynyddu ein niferoedd a chynllunio gweithgareddau’r flwyddyn yn dal wedi’u gohirio.

Mae'n dod yn anos deall hyn pan welwn ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol - draethau gorlawn, siopau, tafarndai, parciau, yn ogystal â rhai gweithgareddau'n cael eu cynnal mewn Neuaddau Cymunedol eraill yn yr ardal.

Mae methu â throsglwyddo gwybodaeth wyneb yn wyneb neu hyd yn oed ar hysbysfyrddau yn gwneud pethau’n anos fyth. Dyma rai pethau y credaf y dylid eu trosglwyddo - mewn unrhyw ffordd y gallwn: -


RHYBUDD - GALWADAU TWYLLODRUS. Mae gwahanol Aelodau'r Grŵp wedi cael profiad o rai ohonynt.

Mae'n ymddangos mai un o'r rhai mwyaf pryderus yw galwadau ffôn twyllodrus gan wasanaethau sy'n honni eu bod yn ffonio ar ran British Telecom, Banciau, Cymdeithasau Adeiladu, Cwmnïau Yswiriant, ac ati, sy’n dweud bod gennych ôl-ddyledion neu eich bod yn mynd i gael eich 'torri i ffwrdd' - ac os na fyddwch chi’n ffonio rhif ffôn penodol y maen nhw'n ei ddyfynnu - bydd pethau drwg yn digwydd!!

Y cyngor yw peidiwch byth ag ymateb i'r math hwn o gyfathrebu - rhowch y ffôn I LAWR Mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonom yn ymwybodol o'r galwadau hyn - ond mae cael eich targedu’n bersonol yn brofiad annifyr iawn. Efallai eich bod yn meddwl 'beth os yw'n alwad ddilys'? Ffoniwch ffrind neu aelod o'ch teulu os ydych chi'n poeni, i drafod y mater. Nid yw banciau, ac ati, yn eich ffonio i ofyn am fanylion personol.

Peidiwch â gadael i'r galwadau hyn ddifetha'ch diwrnod. Maen nhw’n gallu bod yn ddiddiwedd.


Daw neges GAMARWEINIOL arall gan eich CYFLENWR YNNI yn dweud ei bod yn 'ORFODOL' gosod MESURYDD DEALLUS yn eich cartref, ac ati ... Nid yw’n ORFODOL i chi gytuno

NID yw MESURYDDION DEALLUS yn ORFODOL - mae croeso i chi ddweud NA

Os oes unrhyw un ohonoch yn dymuno ychwanegu unrhyw beth at Gylchlythyr y mis nesaf - rhowch wybod i mi - mae fy rhif gennych chi. Yn y cyfamser - cymerwch ofal.


Over 50's Group. Sent by Roz Smith – Chairman.

Once again – no news regarding recommencing our Monthly Meetings. Therefore, our plans for increasing our numbers and planning our year's activities are still on hold.

It is becoming more difficult to understand when we see on social media - crowded beaches, shops, pubs, parks, as well as some activities being held in other Community Halls in the area.

Not being able to pass on information face to face or even on notice boards is not helping. A few things that I think should be passed on – in any way we can, are as follows:-


MODERN DAY CAUTIONARY TALES. Some of which have been experienced by various Members of the Group.

It appears that one of the most worrying are fraudulent telephone calls from services claiming to be British Telecom, Banks, Building Societies, Insurance Companies, etc. stating that payments are in arrears or you are going to be 'cut off' –and if you do not phone a certain telephone number which they quote – bad things will happen!!

The advice is never to re-act to this type of communication – just HANG UP. Most of us are aware of these calls – but experiencing one at first hand can be very disturbing. Thinking 'what if it is a 'genuine' call'? Phone a friend or member of your family if you are worried, to talk it through. Banks, etc. do not call you asking for personal details.

Don't let these calls spoil your day. They can be persistent.


Another MISLEADING communication comes from your ENERGY SUPPLIER saying that they are 'OBLIGATED' to install a SMART METER in your home, etc. etc... You are not OBLIGED to say YES

SMART METERS are NOT MANDATORY – you're free to say NO

If any of you wish to add anything to next month's Newsletter – please let me know – you have my number. In the meantime – take care.


Hoping that soon the Bodorgan Community Hall will be open again for use, this is a resume of the events that have taken place there, and possible future activities.


Events which had been taking place at The Community Centre before lockdown.

  • Coffee Mornings
  • David’s Day Teas
  • Christmas Dinners for the elderly
  • Tabletop Sales/Bring and Buy
  • Craft Group
  • Concerts
  • Over 50’s Club
  • Bingo
  • Exercise classes


If you have any further suggestions for activities not already mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Of course, none of these activities are taking place at the moment. Malltraeth Ymlaen are trying their best to restart all of these activities but reopening of the Community Centre is still being blocked. There’s nothing we can do about this at the moment.



DESPITE the times we are living through our Bodorgan WI membership is increasing, with six new ladies joining us this month.  

Meeting. 15th June : “Escape”.    Shared Lunch in the garden, fingers crossed for favourable weather. 

A lady from Penrhos Hospice will be giving us a talk on the wonderful work that they are doing up in Holyhead.

Meeting 6th July: Talk on Homelessness.

May I extend a very warm welcome.  God Bless you all.  Monica Morris – Chairperson

(Apologies – this article arrived too late for translation)


THANK YOU to Sian Prytherch for looking after the Hermon Flower Box – and keeping it slug free!  We have received donations of more plants so we can renovate the second Malltraeth box.  Thank you everyone.


150 CLUB  is up and running again – if  anyone would like to join – it’s a one-off payment of £10 for 12 months.  You will be allocated a number which will be entered in the draw EVERY MONTH for the whole year. 

Please log on to the address shown or contact Jude Williams on facebook.  This fund supports the Christmas Dinner for the elderly in our Community.

Join 150 Club