Held in Bodorgan Community Centre Jan 31st 2020 at 10.00am.
55 people attended, consisting of 6 Support Group members, 10 people who have attended previously, and 39 new visitors. Refreshments & cakes provided by Group Members – Thank you again !
Detailed suggestions for future Development of the Centre, both refurbishment and new build were on display – Thank you again Capell & Cyril !
The reduced version of the Bodorgan Tapestry is now on permanent display in the Community Centre. Anybody interested in acquiring a smaller copy for themselves, please contact Christine Garbutt ( email :
£185 was raised from sales of refreshments and raffle tickets - Well done everybody !
Exercise Class for the over 50s, every Monday afternoon.
Bingo, every Thursday evening.
Details of these and other activities can be found on the website
One new user group was formed – Bodorgan Creatives.
Information on this group can be found on the weboage The Creatives Group
Contact:- Christine Garbutt
Heather Blake has canvassed her neighbours to promote the Coffee Mornings and look for new ideas. Some suggestions:- Pilates & Dance classes, Creative writing, Stitch & Pitch craft classes for children, Summer Holiday activities for Children, General Crafts (Sewing etc) Whist Drive / Bridge Club.
Heather has also identified the need for a Licensed Activities Co-ordinator (Evidently there is a large number of people out there who are unaware that our Community Centre is operational )
Thanks, Heather !
Dai Sinclair ( Mon FM ) suggested turning the field into an All-Weather Sports Facility. Apparently there is a big demand for them in Anglesey, so it’s worth investigating.
One of the founder members of Malltraeth Ymlaen who came to the Coffee Morning brought in the original Trust Deed, dated 1988. Thanks for that !
A big thank you to all who attended . We are all united in our desire to establish a successful and sustainable Community Centre for Bodorgan, and this means that we need to maximise utilisation of the existing facility while the fate of the Building hangs in the balance.
At the moment, the option preferred by the Managing Trustees is to demolish the old School and Community Hall, and replace with a smaller prefabricated Unit.
All comments and suggestions welcomed ! email to: